Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

my first mistake was letting you into my life
my second mistake was allowing you into my bed
my third mistake was loving you more than i should
my fourth mistake was sitting with you,
while you’re telling me you can’t do this anymore

Summer: You know, I dream sometimes about flying. It starts out like I’m running really, really fast. I’m like, superhuman. And the terrain starts to get really rocky and steep. And then I’m running so fast that my feet aren’t touching the ground. And I’m floating, and it’s like this amazing, amazing realness. I’m free. I’m safe. Then I realize… I’m completely alone. And then I wake up

hello guys !! I'm so happy to be a eighters hooligan :D

I'm so proud to be a eighters squad hooligan ! come on guys we sing , we dancing and , we scream 

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

quotes of the day

"it is a dark, sullen, painfully sad face that scares me so bad. I want to turn and run and never ever come back."

"I'm already sick with all this shit. Ok, i will keep all the memories and never regret! Just take a deep breath, feel the smell slowly and let 
it go :)"

LOVE is not about giving and hoping to receive, but LOVE IS about giving with sincerity :)

you are the best thing i've ever had ♥

There's only 1 way 2 say 3 words,that's what i do... I Love You..

Time can't erase a feeling this strong ♥

Loving and caring. That's the sweetest things! and we can get it as long as we live ♥

For a single moment I want to feel like the universe isn’t about to crush me and my heart isn’t about to explode. I would kiss you and tell you I love you and ask you please not to go.

I’ve been secretly falling apart To me, you’re strange and you’re beautiful
You’d be so perfect with me but you just can’t see You turn every head but you don’t see me

We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” 

"In the lost and found of my heart No one understands me ‘Cause I keep kidding aroundLike a child, but pardon me.."

If you can’t respect yourself, how do you expect another person to respect you? Put your boobs away, we know you have them, no need to put them out for show.

Yang paling perih dari kesendirian itu bukan waktu kita lagi sedih, justru waktu kita lagi ketawa seneng tapi gak ada yang bisa diajak untuk ketawa
I don’t have certain type, like i want my boyfriend to be that way, or my husband to be that way. It’s more like chemistry. I could say a guy to be sexiest on earth because i see him like that, and other people don’t see it like that. I like people who are very creative, who do art. Not really artsy people, but more of people who have their opinion, just being himself, don’t care about bullshit. It’s refreshing to see people who just being their own. Doesn’t mean that people have the “@#%@ you all” attitude, more like this is me, this is who i am, have strong stand point and open minded. Passionate about what they do, just simple, just being him, just confident and be yourself, sometimes it’s hard to do

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

everything is you , thank you for the love and joy your bring :)

stranger a.k.a jenong a.k.a monster a.k.a

"kamu adalah laki laki yang sangat mengecewakan dan menyakitkan . mulai sekarang kamu akan aku hapus , dan aku yakin kamu tau bahwa kamu telah menyia nyiakan seorang perempuan yang sangat menyayangi kamu dan mencintai kamu , dan itu adalah aku . Dan hanya aku . selamat tinggal masa lalu:)"

ps : sorry . I really miss everything about you ! saya hanya mengingat bagaimana rasa sakitnya . sedihnya dan bahagianya saya pernah mencintai anda yang sangat sangat JAHAT -_- 

Senin, 14 Februari 2011


“I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you’re the one that I love, and I can’t let you go.”

"If I could spend every minute of every day with you I would. I think about you all the time. I think of you when I go to bed, and you’re the first thing I think about when I wake up. I can’t go through one day without wanting to see you, needing to see you. You’re addicting, I don’t get it … what is it about you?”

“Rains fall, winds blow, the sun shines… it all comes naturally, just like loving you.”

“Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.”

“It’s called LOVE.. when acts of romance are felt by the heart and not seen with the eyes.”

“Life is not a beauty contest, pretty girls are everywhere. Brainylicious girl isn’t easy to find, that’s why they’re precious…”

“Sometimes not knowing anything is much better that knowing something unimportant that will only mess up your day.”

“I love you. I love who you are. I’m proud of you. I love your flaws and your perfections. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me angry and you make me so happy, and I love all that. Sometimes you scare me, and I love that too. You make me think, sometimes when I don’t want to. I’m thankful for that. You are a wonderful guy and you inspire me to be better. So I love you.”

“Never wait until tomorrow to hug someone you could hug today. When you give one, you’ll get back one right way.”

“Ketika sapa menyapa saja menjadi hal yang tabu, ketika yang ada hanya ego ku (mungkin begitu juga dengan kamu), ketika itu pula hanya sesal yang tertinggal mengapa kita berada pada kubu yang berlawanan. Aku pada dipan hitam dan kamu dipan putih. Layaknya catur dimana hitam dan putih tak pernah menyatu, seperti itulah aku dan kamu saat ini, sayang. Aku rindu..”

“The greater things in life are unseen. That’s why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, or dream.”

“Sometimes you hope, sometimes you forget that I am here. But you’ll be sorry when you are losing me.”

“Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.”

Things I miss the most when we’re apart:

  • Touching your soft skin
  • Looking in your eyes
  • Kissing your cheek, eyes, and shoulder
  • Seeing your smile
  • Hearing your laugh
  • Feeling your arms around me

your man (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

Your Man

  • Boy :
    I wanna be a superhero. Guess my name.
  • Girl :
    Superman? Ironman?
  • Boy :

awesome monday !! thanks everbody :).

oke . I'm so happy today . ya awalnya gue awali dengan pagi yang sangat buruk . hujan . kelabu . matahari ? ya gue butuh matahari . yayaya oke berangkat sekolah dengan keadaan cuaca yang sangat labil . yeah gue harus sekolah !! yayayaya seee disekolah pun garing . liat 4 temen gue yang sedang galau karena masa depannya gue pun ikut sedikit galau akhirnya . gue kantin cuma beli minum . see gue beli tiket nonton futsal yeaaaah sedikit seneng . dan akhirnya pulang sekolah . diotak gue cuma -- > ketemu pacar , ngasih hasil origaminya terus gue nonton pulang sama pacar gue hihi seneng . oke gue pulang .jalan kaya biasa . tiba tiba manggil si dusun o-- senengnya aku :D oke gue ngobrol di kuburan sama anak anak terus nunggu shenny yang lamanya super duper lama . oke jalan . pada bilang udah mulai ternyata belum . yaaaa gue pas . on time . sampe sana ketemu my lovely dusun . ya ketemu cuma biasa , secara masih kaku wkwkwkw . oke dia ngasih tissue aja tuh a--- gue kira dia bakal romantis . tapinya jeng jeng jeng . envy liat nida sama fani awalnya . oke pas udah selesai gue pulang sama pacar gue . yayaya di perjalanan seneng bangeeeet wkwkkw . sampe di rumah tercinta . gue balik dan sebenernya gue mau ngambil minum buat dia dan ternyata pintu dikunci gue scream scream wkwkwkw . oke dia manggil gue lagi . dan dia ngasih bungaaaa dong a--- so sweeet
jeng jeng jeng ini yang dia kasih ke gue hari ini

oke , kertas itunya sebenernya surat dari gue a--- cuma tadi ketinggalan . maaf ya sayang tissuenya diambil terus ama temen aku jadi kebuka dua duanya deh -_-

oke pacar gue pulang , dan mantan gue dateng . dia namanya RANO . oke dia ngasih ini ke gue

thanks . pokoknya makasih deh yaaaaaaa hihihi

ps : makasi sayang , makasi vitamins , makasi rano . aku seneng . aku sayang kalian semua . dan terlebih lagi pacar aku  ♥♥♥

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


maaf untuk semuanya . maaf karena aku yang sangat lancang memasuki kehidupanmu . maaf karena aku sangat kekanak-kanakan dan bahkan terlalu frontal . maaf karena aku memaksamu untuk selalu ada di hidupku . maaf untuk semua kesalahanku . aku sekarang mungkin tidak bisa seperti dulu bersamamu . aku sadar mungkin kamu tidak akan pernah mau kenal aku . mengerti aku . dan menjagaku seperti dulu . 

thanks ya buat beberapa bulannya . aku seneng . 

with love 

-nabya bahaqita-

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Senja , Aku mencintaimu senja,senja yang begitu indah,senja yang begitu berwarna,senja yang begitu menawan,dan senja yang takkan terlupakan..

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

SEE YOU IN FUTURE boss !! I'll miss you :D

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

masa lalu

masa lalu . sejarah . pengalaman . dll . masa lalu , kalo dibilang masa lalu gue MANIS semua sih engga . ya masa lalu gue itu NANO - NANO banget . ada MANIS , ASEM , ASIN , SAMPE PAIT loh . ya . hidup ga selalu MANIS terus . ga selalu flat terus . tapi itulah ke sexy-an nya hidup menurut gue . yayaya kalo dari postingan gue yang di BLOG LAMA a.k.a MASYALALU  itu tuh banyak banget kan part part gue sedih . secara disitutuh gue lagiu gundah gulana banget hahaha . oke . sebenernya sih gue asli engga pernah nyesel punya masalalu sepahit apapun . secara seiring masalalu gue pergi . gue ya sedikit sedikit bisa lah belajar dari kesalahan dan pastinya gue bisa juga tau alasan alasan STRANGER lebih memilih payempuan ituuu hihi . oke ya gue minta maaf deh buat sifat gue , ke -Frontalan gue . pokoknya gue minta maaf buat semuanya . tapi mungkin gue kalo diminta balik kemasa lalu ga akan mau deh . gue cape . gue males .karena  gue sekarang hidup lebih baik  . gue yang udah nyaman sama PACAR GUE , KELUARGA BESAR GUE , TEMEN DAN SAHABAT YANG SELALU NGERTIIN GUE . lagian gue sih malah pengen kalo gue lupa sama masalalu gue . orang orangnya . tempatnya . lagu lagunya . makananya . pokoknya semuanya deh yang berbau masalalu . gue suka cengeng kalo inget masyalalu :'( . soalnya gue jadi suka kebawa melow melow hahahaha malu dong nangisin masalalu --- > selalu aja ada yang ngomong begitu . sebenernya ada sih yang selalu bikin gue keinget masalalu . banyak . tapi oke gausah dibahas . disini sebenernya gue cuma mau ngasih tau aja . kalo misalnya orang bijak itu ga pernah yang namanya menyesal punya masalalu seburuk apapun , so ayo dong belajar menerima masa lalu kita seburuk apapun . jangan pernah nyesel . rasa penyesalan tuh ga akan ada habisnya kalo lo tau !!

ps :  mau sepahit seburuk dan se jelek apapun masa lalu lo . terima aja . dari masa lalu lo banyak pelajaran yang bisa di ambil kok . belajar dewasa ajalah sekarang :D

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

my new best love . biggy lova for you lian :)

Harni Yulianita

sebenernya baru banget sih kenal sama si cantik satu ini . gue kenal dia awalnya gara gara like status hahaha . terus kenal sedikit lebih dalem karena guenya juga yang engga tega pas waktu itu liat dia . kayanya lagi galau gundah gulana . kaya dulu gue sama si STRANGER . oke sedikit demi sedikit gue tau lah ceritanya . tapi asli dia itu sedih banget . dan susah move on kaya gue dulu :) , dan sekarang gue sih sebenernya cuma mau dia jadi sahabat gue aja . ya semoga aja dia bisa ngasih kepercayaannya buat gue . harni baik dan pantes kok dapet cowo baik .

ps : harni ,I believe there'll be so many other better guys who are going to come into your life kok.. Don't try to forget cz it's hard to forget, just forgive him and let him go. Okay? So do it. Let's move on. You'll be fine. Trust me :)


he's my everything (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

tepatnya 13 januari 2011 , awal kami pacaran cuma karena ada seikit problem putus dan kembali jadian pada tanggal 27 januari 2011 . oke awal yang baik . gue sayang dia . dia sayang gue . hahahaha pokoknya sama sama sayang deh :D . oke perkenalkan nama pacar gue dery . gue sering nyebut dia dusun karena rumahnya yang jauuuuuuh di ujung a.k.a leweung wkwkwkwkw *piss sayang . kadang gue juga suka manggil dia gamers soalnya dia suka banget main game sampe begadang . sampe kadang gue beteeeee !! merasa di duain sama game wkwkwwkkwkw . oke ., dery ? dia itu tinggi . kata temen gue sih ganteng kaya arab gitu . kata gue mah ya lumayan lah . hehehe bulu matanya sangat menggodaaaaaa loh . kaya perempuan . dia sebenernya cantik kalo dikerudungin a--- wkwkw . oke let see . ini dia pacarkuuuuu tersayang *syallalalala toret toreeeet *

ini diaaaaaaaaaa pacarkuuuuu muah . aku sayang dia loh . banget :*  . dia sayang ga ya sama aku ? hahahahaahhaahahah . oke itu fotonya dia sendiri dulu . belum sempet foto berdua :D 
nanti yaaaaaaa . makanya bloggy doain longlast ya aku sama si dusun hahahaahhaahaahhaha 

ps : he's my only one . he's mine and we're forever . love you dus (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) ! you're mine and I'm yours ! biggy lova for my lovely gamers . yahahahaha . 

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

cinta itu tidak buta, dia hanya memahami
maaf untuk masalalu saya yang sangat indah 
maaf untuk 'kamu' yang saya abaikan 
maaf untuk semuanya 
ini hanya antisipasi saya agar tidak mabuk memori
terimakasih ya stranger

-nabya bahaqita-

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

oke alhamdulillah sekarang gue MOVE .
sekarang dia masa lalu gue . sejarah lah ibaratnya
dia selalu ada di hati gue sampe kapanpun
dia tetep jadi seseorang yang ada lah di hati gue
dia itu sebenernya salah satu pertanyaan yang belum terjawab .
tapi forget it ah !! secara dia MASA LALU gue
sekarang harus liat yang pasti pasti aja

ps : masa lalu itu sejarah , hidup gue sekarang bukan kemaren .
makasih buat semua masa laluku . aku sangat menghargai kedatangan kalian DULU di hidup aku .

sayaang sama orang itu ga perlu pake alasan . sayang sama orang itu bukan pilihan . kalo kita sayang sama seseorang dan kita bisa mendeskripsikan perasaan itu , berarti  bukan sayang namanya . karna sayaang itu gapernah punya alsan dan gapernah bisa di deskripsikan . thats love :)

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


Dear 2011,

You're a new year. Another 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525.600 minutes, 3.153.600 seconds of struggle, growth, and progress. I know that you'll give me new memories, new adventures, new sadness, new happiness, new shits, new heartaches, new experiences, new tears, new laughs. New mistakes, new promises, and also new regrets.

I hope I create a story that I love. I hope I make something beautiful and take risks. I hope I dare myself to do brave things. I hope I will see a conviction and see it through. I hope I fall in love --with a person or God. I hope I discover the miracle of faith. I hope life breaks me from disaster, I hope I come out brand new and beautiful. I hope I have the courage to take the weak things and amplify them until my life overflows with only the good stuff. I hope I see the world and meet interesting people. I hope I have an absolutely passionate love affair with life.

Someday my prince will come. Someday we’ll meet again. And away to his castle we’ll go. To be happy forever I know.
Someday when spring is here. We’ll find our love anew. And the birds will sing. And wedding bells will ring. Some day when my dreams...
Great love
is when you shed tears and still care about him
is when he does not care about you and you are still waiting for the faithful
was when he began to love others and you still can smile and say ‘I’m happy for you’
But, when love is dead you.
Our mother is the sweetest and
Most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise
Than angels can recall.
She’s not only beautiful
But passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise
As one who has lived long.
Her love...